With retractable and liberating wings....
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 |
I'm starting to come down with slight flu. To be exact, it's been there for some time and my cough as well persisted for almost 2 months. Must suppress it more since exams are in 2 weeks time. Eat more fruits and drink more water and try to sleep earlier and perhaps pop some cold tablets. I'm starting to get worried, I'm so behind my own schedule for writing notes for my lectures and I'm not even halfway there yet but exams are in 2 weeks time. Must force myself to be more hardworking and lessen those 'doing nothing' times. |
posted by Oink @ 10/26/2005 11:24:00 AM  |
Thursday, October 20, 2005 |
Courteous |
Sometimes I'm really bewildered by the different expressions of being courteous by numerous people in different situations. When one hears the word courteous, there should only be a single notion in mind. Yet there are so many different scenes happening that allows people to present themselves as being courteous with a million different styles.
Courteous Etymology: Middle English corteis, from Old French, from court 1 : marked by polished manners, gallantry, or ceremonial usage of a court 2 : marked by respect for and consideration of others Quoted from Marriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Related Words: Polite, mannerly, civil, courteous, genteel These adjectives mean mindful of, conforming to, or marked by good manners. Polite and mannerly imply consideration for others and the adherence to conventional social standards of good behavior Civil suggests only the barest observance of accepted social usages; it often means merely neither polite nor rude. Courteous implies courtliness and dignity Genteel, which originally meant well-bred, now usually suggests excessive and affected refinement Quoted from Dictionary.com
so the conclusion is....... 'respect', 'consideration', 'good manners'
So do we get a consensus on the meaning of being courteous?
I strongly believe we have all been un-courteous or i should say rude before, especially when we are young kids. Times where we barge into people's belongings or the actual person without even apologising before shooting off like a rocket to carry on playing our games. But as we grow older and are more educated in many areas of our lives should we not be mindful of our manners? To allow someone else to feel valued as a person, the slightest feeling of gratitude, regret and inquiry requires only a syallable or two; 'Thank you', "Sorry' and 'Please'.
You must be wondering why the sudden urge to talk about being polite and courteous and all. Yes, I do admit that sometimes I am pretty rude as well but not in terms of manners rather in terms of tact (or unless the other party has chosen to be absolutely rude to me)
Something has troubled me yesterday in the office, its something very trivial but I thought that more respect should be given to me. I am not angry so I cannot deemed to be petty but it seriously made me think about the topic today. It has always been good manners in my perspective to ask if I needed something from anyone. Yet many of my preserved plums were taken from my desk, eaten right in front of my face loudly without the propensity to even tell me.
I was not angry since it's just food and how much can it cost even if he ate the whole box. But what made me think was the inability of a highly educated man to be respectful towards others by asking or at least telling? Perhaps he thinks he's superior in terms of qualifications and experience so he has the authority to take anything he wants and I'm at his mercy. I do empathise with a man who may think this way since I belive that one day he might be treated back in the same way too when he least expects.
This is only one situation. Yes, there are much more I can write about this but I shall stop at being 'petty' before I'm stoned to silence. Yes it happens, perhaps to most of us. It is just that most of the time, we have chosen to dispense it off with words like 'This is just the way he/she is, you cannot change the character of a person', 'nevermind, why create so much trouble? Just let it go'. I admit that sometimes I fall into this category of people too but I realise that many a times people take advantage of your good nature and you end up suffering the consequences of other people's actions. That is not fair. You may say that life is unfair but why choose to stay on the unfair side when you can make it fairer?
I truly hope that we have not been so highly educated that we do not see ourselves making the world only revolve around us and our loved ones and neglecting the people around you.
"If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world" -Francis Bacon |
posted by Oink @ 10/20/2005 05:10:00 PM  |
I have just replied the email from the Caucasian guy, stating that we can be friends and working on the same project as well but as for dinner I will have to check my tight schedule. Hope all turns out to be as I expected just being friends and nothing more. |
posted by Oink @ 10/20/2005 10:02:00 AM  |
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 |
After much thinking and discussion with my family, I have decided to get a dog. Yippy....!!! I think they are a bit excited too as we are discussing where to place the doggie last night. I will have to manage my time even better than before and sacrifice going out and home late at night. I will hear a lot more complains from my pals for being 'anti-social' as most of my time will be spent on work, school and of course 'The Doggie', which I have yet to name.
I will have to be patient and wait till early Feb as they are breeding the dog I want now. *smiling to myself * I can only bring it home around March or April coz I will get them to help me immunize the doggie and get the license and put a microchip. By the way, if you are thinking, "Yeah right, you have to do all these yourself the pet shop will not help you". Don't be jealous then because they are my friends. kekekekeke Will have to start saving for school n the doggie next month.... cannot go out so much already but it will be worth it.
These couple of weeks has been freaky. I received 2 emails to my office mail.
One from a demonstrator of my laboratory sessions at school (cannot make it, even if he walk past you a million time you won't notice) to get my number so we can keep in touch *hand covering eyes* But I can't be nasty and tell him to look at himself in the mirror because there's a possiblity of needing his help in my other lab sessions in the days to come, so I reluctantly gave him my number when I saw him unexpectedly last Mon.
I have always thought my actions were oblivious enough to tell him or anyone in class for that matter 'We can only be friends' or 'Hey stop bugging me, can't you see I am not keen to talk to you at all? I was being nice to answer you not that I'm so crazily infatuated by you! Wake up your idea! You will never be in my league!' To think that I did not even bother to look at him and answer him properly when he ask questions and make comments on things. Can anyone be so dense? *roll eyes* The Best Part..... he even made excuse for me when I did not reply his email. "Why you din reply my email, busy ar?" I replied a syllable YES without even looking at him. He was standing so close to me, he might as well whisper to my ear. The more I tried to move further away from him stealthly, the closer he gets. OMG!!!!
It was such a freaky moment, I sped off like an arrow home-bound. He called me that very night. Several times in fact and sent me SMSes that will gross you out a little with over-the-top kind og good night message *hairs of the back of my neck is standing* I did not answer or reply. I was so freaked out. Seriously I do not think that he will ever call or sms me again. GOOD! Keep it that way. I sure hope I do not see him again today during my lab sessions or anyday in the near future.
Another email was from this caucasian colleague who is doing the bioinformatics part of my servicing project. Out of the blue, he asked for my office mail address yesterday while presenting the project my lab was servicing to the visitor at the same time. I was a little taken aback but my boss and I thought it was for work-related stuff so I did.
Wrong!!! I got an invitation to dinner at a nice resturant and talk about stuff other than work to get to know ME better. His email was addressed to XX girl from XX guy. Yes, XX is the same word but it's a species of fish I am working. OMG!!!! I don't know how to reply. I will see him almost every few days when he pass me the samples for the project.... *palm forehead, pulling follicles out of my head*
I can't be nasty too! *Haiz* maybe I'll just reply him later in the day and apologise for not checking my mail earlier. Meanwhile, I shall crack my head to think of how to reply.
I'm glad my colleague aka classmate does not know about the XX guy or else she will snigger terribly like she did for the lab guy and tease me to keep low profile of myself.
To be honest, I did not flirt with anyone of them or said anything that will make them feel I've even the tiniest interest in being more than friends. Everything I ever talked about was 100% work or 99% asking for anwers I was lazy to think about during lab. It's not as if I dress like super nice or low cut or anything fancy for school and work.
For god's sake, I wear big baggy jeans, an old T-shirt with no make-up and wear my hair in a ponytail. I'm working or studying, not to be noticed and there's no one I can eye-candy on, so why bother? I did not do anything!!!!!! Really!!!! I promise! |
posted by Oink @ 10/19/2005 11:20:00 AM  |
Monday, October 17, 2005 |
Decide decide decide..... |
Yesterday met up with a friend who is helping his aunt run a pet shop in the north side of singapore. Heard from him that he has got my favourite dog breed; Miniature schnauzer (black and silver coat color). It's extremely difficult to find this coat cover for miniature schnauzer at least that's what i heard and think
Now i'm in a major decision making mode, should I get the doggy and forgo getting a small cheap car to ease my transport cost which is a little taxing on my pocket?
If i got the dog will I have enough time amidst all my school and work and social life to take care of it since it's still a pup? That is on top of having my family scream my head off for getting a dog; but that's not as important since they will soon begin to like the inquisitive, cute and obedient nature of a miniature schnauzer This has happened before when i was dog-sitting and I'm surprised how much my family likes the dog and does not mind being followed around the house constantly by her *giggles*
If I were to get the doggy. I must prepare a nice little cozy corner in my messy house and make it more dog-friendly and dog-proof hence spend a bit. So I must be more careful of my money spending habits and save more for the cute doggy if i get the dog.
But........... Travelling through and fro from my place to the east side over the weekend and rushing to school after work is taxing me financially and physicall sometimes, therefore i spend a fair amount of my money to be chauffered to a designated place. Having a small car that's easy to park and maintain is convenient. But if I get the small car I can't get the doggy and it'll most probably take me a long time to find it again.
So I have to choose between being practical to get a small car and have more time on my hands or rearing a lovable cute doggy which will give me joy and laughter and take up more of my already spent time. Or perhaps I should not get a car nor buy a dog and just flag a cab when I can and want to or play with my gf's doggie at her place more often.... 阿 呀!心 情 好 乱 不 知 道 如 何 是 好。
Oh dear I think more lines are appearing on my forehead.....
Just heard that the dog is taken back to the person who sold the dog to my friend's aunt pet shop. Apparently there is some abnormal discharge from his/her bottom.Poor cute little pup. *Awwwww...... : ( * Don't know if they will bring the dog back or give a new same coat color schnauzer. So which means I still have time to decide. Good! (^_^)
posted by Oink @ 10/17/2005 02:30:00 AM  |
Friday, October 14, 2005 |
In a month of so.... I'm having my exams again *whines*
Ya ya... I've learnt my lesson from last module. I have started studying the extra material, which is the textbook *yawn* and made my own notes all in good time I hope.....No more 'painless' thumbs and aching forearm and back. After one more module (in Jan 2006), I can have my break of 2 months. Wahahahahaha... I can't wait.... |
posted by Oink @ 10/14/2005 03:52:00 PM  |
Friday, October 07, 2005 |
Reflections |
It's friday today, weekend is here. I'm usually quite happy and chirpy but strangely today I'm moodless... like yesterday. Can't even begin to identify the tinniest reason why I'm not myself these couple of days. *Haiz*
In a few more days and I'll grow older and I'm glad that this year I have decided not to try to reek of alcohol, walk straight while the path is looks like it's on the move and attempt not to fumble at words at the stroke of twelve. (yes, it's hilarious when you put all three together) I have a damn good excuse; Classes. *grin*
There are so many things at work waiting for me to do but instead I'm clicking and punching away in front of the PC praying that my boss does not walk pass for the third time. I'm sort of feeling emotional today.....
I agree that I am indeed quite blessed. As my name suggests, He has given me more than I can ask for and I'm thankful for it. I've made many right and wrong decisions in many situations so far but the wrongs have not been that unrectifiable (if there's such a word) and the rights have been wonderful. Throughout all these times, I've a quietly supportive family that does not question much and leaves me to deal with it my way and a few great pals that's stuck with me and whom had to put up with my indecisiveness, poor time management and flaws. *smiles*
I'm glad I have yet to repeat those decisions especially badly made ones. Like footprints left on the beach, time washes them away surreptitiously, making way for new footprints, new experiences. A better life lies ahead and shall be lived without regrets.
My boss just walked past for the fifth time. So much for my emotions today. |
posted by Oink @ 10/07/2005 04:30:00 PM  |
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 |
Quiz: Sex and the City |
 | You scored as Carrie Bradshaw. Your Carrie Bradshaw! You have an upbeat personality and a great love of life. You love your girlfriends, a nite out in New York City and a new pair of shoes.You have all you need in your life right now, and if a guy falls into place, then the more the merrier!
Carrie Bradshaw | | 67% | Charlotte York | | 60% | Samantha Jones | | 60% | Miranda Hobbs | | 47% |
Which of the 4 Sex & the City Gals are YOU? created with QuizFarm.com
posted by Oink @ 10/05/2005 12:55:00 PM  |
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 |
Fun fun and more fun....!!!!!! |
After much complaining and mumbling how bored I am nowadays..... I got my gameboy advance over the weekend... kekekeke..... Was a birthday gift.... *smiles* Yup... my birthday is coming soon... Hmmm.... growing older..... wiser and prettier too I hope..... (^_^)
Bought myself the Sonic advance 3 and started playing it last night. Pure enjoyment..... Sort of addictive though... Didn't wanna go to bed even though my eyes can barely open plus I dreamt of it. It's a bit crazy and freaky to some extend but somehow I had loads of fun....
So now I will not be bored..... and can de-stress.....even on the bus.... or in the train.... or anywhere.... *big smiles* Can't wait for my break time from classes early next year then I can buy some RPG games and play all month long..... kekekeke..... |
posted by Oink @ 10/04/2005 03:46:00 PM  |
Get to know yourself better |
Your view on yourself: You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education: Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you: You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success: You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of: You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Quiz: Get to know yourself better
posted by Oink @ 10/04/2005 02:35:00 PM  |
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Name: Oink
Home: Messy yet organized, Sty, Singapore
About Me: A little dominant and fierce, sometimes can be very nice or nasty (varies from person to person)and likes to have fun
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