Pigs in Heaven

With retractable and liberating wings....
Friday, January 26, 2007
Have not been blogging for so long.. feels a bit rusty...

Anyway, I'm kind of a wee bit excited this coming weekend. I have promised myself to go back to Church for the blessings that He has given unto me last year and the years that I have put much excuses to being absent from church and His presence. I have very much the intention to carry it out this Sunday... On top of that I have just found out that my long time secondary school friend has accepted Christ just last week or was it two weeks back....!? Sort of like a reminder to me once again about what I have promised.

It's not really like "You help me I'll go to church" kind of mentality but rather it was more like "I would have no excuse not to go if you would have blessed me to help myself on this certain issue." It's good to feel safe and peaceful in Church knowing that everything is planned out for me and I will receive the greatest amount of blessings than I can ever imagine in my life.

posted by Oink @ 1/26/2007 05:40:00 PM  
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Name: Oink
Home: Messy yet organized, Sty, Singapore
About Me: A little dominant and fierce, sometimes can be very nice or nasty (varies from person to person)and likes to have fun
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